TLIF4100 - Identify and meet rail safety
regulatory compliance requirements.


TLIF4100 - Identify and meet rail safety
regulatory compliance requirements

Whether you are fresh to the industry or highly experienced, a design engineer or a rail operations manager, you have specific obligations under the Rail Safety National Law.   This online, nationally accredited course provides learners with knowledge of current rail regulatory requirements and the skills to apply this knowledge in the workplace.

Flexible Training

Online, self paced training, commence at any time.  Face to face sessions are also available.

Nationally Recognised

This course is a nationally recognised qualification under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

Introductory Level

TLIF4100 - Identify and meet rail safety regulatory compliance requirements is an entry level course, designed for those with limited prior signalling knowledge and experience. 

Course Details

TLIF4100 - Identify and meet rail safety regulatory compliance requirements is available as a face to face training course, or as a self-paced online training program.


This course provides learners with knowledge of current rail regulatory requirements and the skills to apply this knowledge in the workplace.  To enrol, complete and return the enrolment form provided in the course pack.  Online training can be commenced at any time, or you can nominate a start date. 

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